An Amazing Adventure!
Fire The Imagination of Your Jr. Paleontologists, Artists, Scientists, Writers, and Dreamers!
Safe Museum Ideas for 20-21

"Mr. Daniel this was my favorite day at school ever!"
A Second Grader
at the end of her
Traveling Dinos visit.

Mary Motley, Reading Specialist at Cool Springs Primary in King William, VA sharing ideas from their very successful Family Reading/Dinosaur Night!

"Greensboro Day Students used prehistoric artifacts to practice 21st Century learning by exploring, identifying, discussing, and analyzing the museum pieces. Most of all they experienced wonder and amazement while they learned about dinosaurs!"
Laura Hines, Media Specialist, Greensboro Day School, Greensboro, NC
"Mark Daniel's enthusiasm, knowledge about dinosaurs, his love for students and learning is contagious throughout...
The museum is so awesome that the kids are Spellbound the entire time the they are walking around."
Bonnie Wisowaty, Reading Specialist, Myers Elem. Muncy, PA
"Thank You to Mark & Tami Daniel for visiting Wooster Township Elementary School, we love dinosaurs! The students and staff loved your Pop-Up Dinosaur Museum and will be talking about this wonderful experience for years to come."
Jan Lemon, Media Specialist, Wooster Elementary, Wooster, OH
This Visit Supports
STREAM Objectives
and celebrates those magnificent animals that roamed every corner of the globe!
Call Tami Today to Track Your Visit at 800-848-5634 or markdaniel@magicalstoryteller.com
Ideas for how we can set the Museum Up for You in Your Building!
The Museum set in a Classroom
In the Gym
On a Stage

A complete and Interactive,
Dinosaur Museum Visit!
The Wonder, The Science, The Books and The Pure Magic of Dinosaurs await your KIDs in this Complete Museum STREAM Experience, and Fabulous In-House Field Trip. Plus, It's a Lot of Fun Too!
We'll transform your large classroom, library, stage or gym into a Pop-Up Museum that will wow, enchant, and inspire your kids!
An Amazing Adventure in
Guided Stations
The Fossil Experience Intro
Your Kids are welcomed to the museum by Mark and see Real Triceratops fossils, Duckbill Hadrosaur bone, Dinosaur Skin (cast), a Spinosaurus tooth, and more. Along with interesting facts and passionate stories, they'll see the fossils under the streaming microscope and awesome Dinosaur books that inspire. It's a wonderful kick-off to the visit!
The Guided Museum Tour
Tami and Mark share an amazing collection of Real Fossils along with Museum Quality Dinosaur Replicas.
The Allosaurus Encounter
In small groups your kids come face to face with Mighty Al, a full size Allosaurus cast replica skull, and they can put their hand in the gigantic footprint too!
Independant Explore Time
Explore the museum up close with magnifying glasses or solve fossil mysteries with the digital microscope.
Meet and Greet
with Perri, an amazing baby Duckbill hadrosaur puppet that your kids can pose for a group picture serves as an awesome finish to their museum visit! (As your group time allows.)
The Collection
An amazing 30 year and growing collection, your kids will love seeing a combination of Real Fossils along with Museum Quality Dinosaur Replicas up close.
Mark has carefully assembled a quality collection with acquisitions of high interest to your students. This exhibit can easily be placed for the day in a classroom, large stage, etc.
We add in Music, special lighting, and set design that combine to make this a memorable learning experience, and a WOW for your kids!
A Note: Often in museums you get to the see the cast replicas of the dinosuars and fossils, with the originals stored away. While still cool, nothing replaces the real thing. With Traveling Dinos you may see more real fossils than a visit to many museums combined! Plus there's always something new in this constantly growing collection as we curate exhibits, and strive to tell the story of these magnificent creatures. All to inspire your future scientists, paleontologists, artists, teachers, and dreamers!
Bring This Wonderful Experience to Your Kids Today!
Call Tami at 800-848-5634, or markdaniel@magicalstoryeller.com to arrange a Full Day/Evening Family Visit, your young dino lovers
will love you for it!
Inviting Traveling Dinos is Easy Peasy!
Tami will work with you on the best dates, and she is an expert at helping you with group scheduling. We bring everything with us, you provide the space, and the tables. (Approximately 9 tables, with at least 4 the same size.) We'll provide you with a guide to help you prepare and also understand the experience from start to finish.
Funding Ideas other groups have used are:
In House Field Trip
Book Fair
Title 1 (there is a strong book and reading tie- in)
Ticket Sales
Contact Tami Today to Bring this Amazing Museum Experience to You!
800-488-5634 or 336-492-7870
Note: Based on our travel schedule, you'll always hear from us within 24 to 48 hours. (aside from Holidays) If you haven't noticed a reply please check your spam folder. Thanks!

Episode 1: The First Dinosaur
Episode 2: Meet "Dippy" at The Carnegie Museum
of Natural History
Episode 4: Join Mark at Axtell Studios in Ventura, CA as he visits with his friend Steve Axtell and Terry Dactyl
Episode 6: The Three T-Rexes
Episode 3: Mark visits Willow the dinosaur
and more at the
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
Episode 5: The World's Bigget Dinosaurs!

See the Latest Episodes, Follow us on Facebook at Traveling Dinos: The Pop Up Museum
and at
The Scoop on Coprolite